Nursing Home Negligence
A Lawyer for Nursing Home Patients In Wyoming And Colorado
Experienced Advocacy In Nursing Home Negligence And Elder Abuse
Do you believe that your loved one is being mistreated or neglected at a nursing home? You owe it to them to follow up on your suspicions. Contact an attorney who uses her knowledge of the health care system to fight for the rights of abused and neglected patients.
At the Rhodes Law Firm, LLC, we know how to report and document nursing home negligence in pursuit of full financial compensation for vulnerable family members. We have been fighting for the rights of resident victims for 20 years and have zero tolerance for substandard care, preventable injuries and abuse.
With offices in Cheyenne and Fort Collins, we represent nursing home patients and their families across Wyoming and northern Colorado. After your free initial consultation, we will give you an honest opinion of the validity of your claim, and we will provide you with the answers to the questions you will have, so that you are fully informed before going forward with your case. When we agree to represent a victim, we take swift and aggressive action to pursue justice. Call 307-634-4444.
Nursing Home Negligence, Neglect And Abuse
An accomplished personal injury lawyer, Diana Rhodes is a former health care professional with experience in both patient care and hospital administration, as well as a consultant for nursing homes. She knows the signs of neglect and the internal documents that will support a claim of negligence against a long term care facility or assisted living center.
Rhodes Law Firm, LLC, has secured monetary damages and forced nursing homes to change their ways through our involvement in a range of cases involving:
- Bed sores (pressure ulcers)
- Falling accidents
- Transport and restraint injuries
- Undiagnosed conditions and negligent care
- Dehydration and malnourishment
- Wandering (“elopement”)
- Sexual, physical or emotional abuse
- Unexplained injury or death
Fighting For Those Who Can’t Protect Themselves
We care about your loved one’s comfort and safety. We work aggressively to determine what happened to your loved one, what caused it to happen, and what can be done to prevent the same thing from happening to another resident. We will aggressively seek full compensation for the harm caused by the negligence.
Delivering the highest level of personal service to our clients..
You receive quality legal representation, frequent updates on your case, and our availability to answer your issues and concerns. Our representation is provided on a contingency fee basis — we take no attorney’s fees for our hard work unless we collect for the harm done to you or your loved one.
Free Case Evaluation With An Experienced Attorney
Let’s send a message to your loved one’s Wyoming or Colorado facility that nursing home negligence, deficiencies and abuse will not be tolerated. Diana Rhodes will listen to what’s happened to you and explain how we can help. Call 307-634-4444, or contact us by e-mail and we will respond promptly.
Diana Rhodes is committed to the rights of nursing home residents. She advocates fiercely for enforcement of: the right to respect; the right to be fully informed of services and fees; the right to manage one’s own money; the right to privacy; and the right to adequate medical care. She is a member of the National Citizens Coalition for Nursing Home Reform, and can direct you to the Long Term Care Ombudsman in Wyoming or Colorado who investigates complaints for nursing home injuries and neglect. (See Resources.