No Wyoming family wants to think their loved ones may be at risk in the nursing homes where they reside. Many families spend months researching options before choosing a particular nursing facility for an aging family member. Most residences are staffed by properly trained, attentive workers who do their best to provide quality care for their patients; however, nursing home negligence remains a serious problem in some areas.
A man in another state grew quite concerned when he noticed unexplained bruises on his father’s body. To further investigate the situation, he installed a camera designed to look like an alarm clock, in his father’s room. He later said that he was shocked and dismayed when he reviewed the films the surveillance camera captured.
The man says he witnessed video footage of staff members abusing his father. He says surveillance evidence shows a worker screaming obscenities at the elderly man. The son said the film shows his father slipping out of his wheelchair onto the floor, followed by the worker rough-handling the patient to get him back into his seat, then into his bed.
The man and his family have filed a lawsuit for nursing home negligence, and have submitted the video films as evidence to help substantiate their claim. The man said he believes the general public should be made aware of the situation to help protect others from similar abuse in the future. An experienced Wyoming personal injury attorney could assist anyone in this state considering filing a similar legal claim.
Source:, “Video: “Horrible” nursing home abuse caught on hidden camera“, Sarah Cwiek, March 5, 2018