It is not uncommon for people to die while living in Wyoming nursing homes. Some patients are quite elderly and simply pass away from natural causes. Others contract terminal diseases or other illness where complications set in, such as pneumonia. Sadly, nursing home negligence is also responsible for many patient deaths in this state and others throughout the nation, which is the worst type of problem because it is the most easily preventable.
One woman in another state said she believes her husband died because of the substandard care he received in a nursing home. The man entered the facility in 2016. His widow contends that, between that time and the day he died, he suffered physical injuries, as well as mental and psychological harm.
Such situations can often be intensely emotional. It is understandable that loved ones would feel angry and may also feel a sense of betrayal when the licensed professionals to whom they entrusted their family members’ health and well-being fail in their fiduciary duties. There is no way to replace the loss of a human life, which makes such situations especially tragic.
The woman in this particular case has filed a lawsuit stating that inadequate care and grave negligence are what caused her husband’s death. She is seeking a trial by jury and $15,000 in damages. Any spouse or adult child in Wyoming who believes a loved one has suffered injury because of nursing home negligence can reach out for legal support to address the issue in court.