What causes crashes involving semi-trucks?

On Behalf of | Jul 28, 2024 | catastrophic injuries

Semi-trucks play an important role in the modern economy. They allow for immediate, cost-effective transportation of goods and materials. Semi-trucks haul brand-new vehicles from manufacturers to dealerships. They provide refrigerated transportation for milk between dairy farms and processing facilities. They help keep factories running and stores stocked.

While semi-trucks can be good for business and the economy overall, they are a hazard to other people on the road. Crashes between passenger vehicles and semi-trucks are more likely than collisions involving vehicles of the same size to result in severe injury or death.

Seemingly small choices that people make in traffic can contribute to the risk of a semi-truck collision. What are the top causes of commercial vehicle wrecks?

Mistakes by other drivers

A minority of the crashes involving semi-trucks are the fault of the people in the other vehicle. They might drive in the blind spots of the big truck or cut them off in traffic. Failing to leave adequate room when approaching an intersection could also lead to a collision due to a truck performing a wide turn. Motorists who prioritize giving semi-trucks adequate space in traffic are less likely than others to end up involved in a crash.

Errors by the commercial driver

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) notes that approximately 87% of the crashes caused by semi-trucks occur due to something the truck driver does or does not do. The most common reason for semi-truck crashes is poor decision-making by a commercial driver.

They maintain an unsafe speed or get too close to another vehicle and cannot stop without causing a crash. Recognition issues, possibly due to blind spots or distraction, are another top reason truck drivers cause crashes. Sometimes, medical emergencies or falling asleep at the wheel lead to non-performance that causes a collision.

Vehicle issues

Approximately one in 10 collisions caused by semi-trucks are due to vehicle problems. Bad brakes, tire blow-outs and other problems with the vehicle can lead to a crash with a passenger vehicle.

The underlying cause of a semi-truck collision directly influences the options available for compensation afterward. When a semi-truck or its driver is to blame, the people in a smaller vehicle may have the option of either filing an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit. Discussing the aftermath of a semi-truck crash with a skilled legal team can help people work to obtain an appropriate amount of compensation given their losses.